
Hi my name is coen and this is my website.
My artworks are born out of looking at society and wishing to change the things I see.

I started my art practice when studying product design taught me about the background of products we surround ourselves with. It split my mind.
When 99% procent of the products that surround us, are made without concideration of man and nature, we have surrounded ourselves with our own absence.

Faced with the facts that the system was crooked, and the market just another religion, I somehow stumbled upon some artworks that were able to take away my fears and embrace the beauty of life again.

Since I’ve been trying to implement this beauty in the difficult topics that seem to surround us. Using art as a tool to bring hope and light, sometimes just for me as working on the projects elevates my spirit, and sometimes to bring across difficult topics in a light way.

I don’t know where we’re going but art gives me the oppertunity to be deeply connected in the present, and this power I can only wish to bring everywhere I go.

The Portfolio page shows the works I made, mostly during my art education.
The Fridge page shows works I’m working on, and are often looking for comments or collaboration.
The Shape page explains the shapes I often use, and that I implement to feel some grip.

Let’s make art.