Extraterrestrial Imagination

My thesis explored the way artists react upon a new view that was given to mankind:
The astronautic view.
This astronautic view, that was first given to us by astronauts and then continued in the constant gaze of satellites, tells mankind constantly what it is doing on a worldwide scale. 
The consequence of this reflection is seen in threefold among artists. I gathered works that enclose the astronautic view, and divided them into these groups:
Show: Works that show the conflict between man and planet
Act: Artists that actualize new ways of living: Artonauts
Embrace: Works that embrace the planet in a new balance
These three groups were discussed and integrated into my own search of finding a balance, after being confronted with this view.

The thesis was designed alongside the astronautic view, to have as little impact on nature as possible, and awarded with the HKU thesis award 2018.
Read: https://octo.hku.nl/octo/repository/getfile?id=om0biapv3f0


Building Blocks