I often use simple shapes to clarify the more complex topics I work on.
The shape seen on the homepage is called ‘Man on Earth’ and can be explained as following:

A square portraying mankind.
A circle portraying earth.

The circles line is solid.
Earth’s laws aren’t transmutable.
The squares line is striped.
Mankind’s laws have been transmutable since our Cognitive revolution.

The size of the shape shows which laws prevail: Earth’s laws, or those of mankind.
To assist the transformation by the means of aesthetics I found three different approaches:

I. Show: Works that show the conflict between man and planet
II. Act: Works that actualize new ways of living: (Artonautic approach)
III. Embrace: Works that embrace the planet in a new balance

For a more in depth view of this approach; https://octo.hku.nl/octo/repository/getfile?id=om0biapv3f0